History of REINHARDT-Climate Recording Devices
In 1978 we started producing and selling digital hand-held measuring units with 4 1/2-positions. These hand-held units for measuring temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure and aspiration psychrometers were very precise.
Measuring ranges e.g.: +/- 199.9 degrees C 0.3 Tol. or 10 - 90 % rel. humidity 2 %

REINHARDT MFTD Weather- and Climate Computer from 1984 to 1994
Stationary weather station for permanent evaluation of weather data incl. printer interface and statistical evaluation, optional with PC-software 1985
Measured: Temperature (dry and humid), absolute and barometric pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar energy, precipitation, relative and absolute humidity, dewpoint and steam pressure

CWS 7 Computer-Weather Station with 7 Sensors from 1992 to 2001

Stationary weather station (secure data transmission) for measuring and recording Temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar energy, precipitation
no internal memory, max. 100 m between CWS and computer
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