Bergstr. 33 . D-86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen . Tel +49-8196-934100 . Fax +49-8196-7005

Mobility Package

640,00 EUR (Net)*

plus shipping costs


Manual (4.03 MB)

Mobility package for REINHARDT-weather stations MWS 5, MWS 55, MWS 8, MWS 88 and sensors

consisting of a waterproof plastics transport box incl. weather station tripod, for holding the weather station or sensor incl. connection cable
Overall dimensions: width 660 mm, depth 490 mm, height 230 mm

Only with tripod - weather station/sensor and other options in the picture will be invoiced.

The mobility package was developed for recording environmental data on-site or for direct evaluation. The standard package comes with a high-quality, water-protected industrial carrying case with a tripod for the weather station and sponge cutouts which hold a weather station, the connection cable, power supply and maybe further accessories. The sponge in the cover is for a secure transport. The impact-proof transport case has a carrying handle. The mobility package can be configured or expanded as requested.

Load the manual under mobilitaet_e.pdf.

* All prices are valid in Germany and the European Community and are without taxes, transport and packing. IE & OE – Specifications subject to change without prior notice.


Multifunktionstestsysteme für In-Circuit Test ICT und Funktionstest FKT von elektronischen Flachbaugruppen, Modulen und Geräten


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Multifunktionstestsysteme für In-Circuit Test ICT und Funktionstest FKT von elektronischen Flachbaugruppen, Modulen und Geräten