Bergstr. 33 . D-86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen . Tel +49-8196-934100 . Fax +49-8196-7005

DKA1 Digital Meteo Display

648,00 EUR (Net)*

plus shipping costs


Manual (1.2 MB)
Brochure (5.1 MB)

The compact, attractive display is for mobile use as well as for use in foyers of companies, hotels and health resorts.

The measured values are displayed in 4 positions with 13.2 mm high LED-characters and are easily legible by night and in broad daylight. The assignation text for the displayed measured value is back-lit. Up to 10 lines incl. time can be displayed, depending on the available measured values. In a plug and play procedure with a multi-way connector, the weather station is directly connected to the meteo display. The data are transmitted to the display with an RS232-interface. 
Power supply is by the power supply of the weather station.
This display works well in control when our weather stations are used on-site. The mobility package comes with a special seating for a secure transport.
Load the brochure under emwpro.pdf, find the manual under DigitalDisplays.pdf.

* All prices are valid in Germany and the European Community and are without taxes, transport and packing. IE & OE – Specifications subject to change without prior notice.


Multifunktionstestsysteme für In-Circuit Test ICT und Funktionstest FKT von elektronischen Flachbaugruppen, Modulen und Geräten


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Multifunktionstestsysteme für In-Circuit Test ICT und Funktionstest FKT von elektronischen Flachbaugruppen, Modulen und Geräten